Question-Related to COCOMO model – 2

Using the Basic COCOMO 81 model (see the tables and formulae below), calculate the effort required (in person-months), the overall development time, and the number of personnel required for each product described below.


  1. Effort = a (KLOC)b. person month
  2. Development Time = c (Effort)d months
  3. Number of People = Effort / Development Time   persons
Software Product Typeabcd

Product 1: A semi-detached mode product delivering 75,000 lines of code.
Product 2: An embedded mode product delivering 75,000 lines of code.
Product 3: An organic mode product delivering 75,000 lines of code.

Briefly comment on your estimations for the above products.



We know that

Effort = a (KLOC)b. person month

Development Time = c (Effort)d months

Number of People = Effort / Development Time   persons

Given that, estimated Lines of Code = 75,000 = 75 KLOC

Product 1: Semi-detached Mode of Development

Effort = a (KLOC)b person month

3 (75) 1.12 person month

377.73 person month

378 person month

Development Time = c (Effort) d Months

2.5 (378) 0.35 Months

19.9 Months

20 Months

Number of People = Effort / Development Time   persons

378 / 20 persons

18.9 persons

19 persons

Product 2Embedded Mode of Development

Effort = a (KLOC)b person month

3.6 (75) 1.2 person month

640.288 person month

640 person month

Development Time = c (Effort) d Months

2.5 (640) 0.32 Months

19.7 Months

20 Months

Number of People = Effort / Development Time   persons

640 / 20 persons

32 persons

Product 3Organic Mode of Development

Effort = a (KLOC)b person month

2.5 (75) 1.05 person month

232.67 person month

233 person month

Development Time = c (Effort) d Months

2.5 (233) 0.38 Months

19.8 Months

20 Months

Number of People = Effort / Development Time   persons

233 / 20 persons

11.65 persons

12 persons

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