Question-Related to COCOMO model – 4

Using the Basic COCOMO 81 model ‘see the tables and example below’, calculate the effort required – ‘in person-months’, the overall development time, and the number of personnel required for the project described below.

  1. Effort = a (KLOC)b. person month
  2. Development Time = c (Effort)d months
  3. Number of People = Effort / Development Time   persons
Software Product Typeabcd

Assume that the size of an organic-type software product has been estimated to be 32,000 lines of source code. Determine the effort required to develop the software Product, its duration, and the number of personnel.


We know that

Effort = a (KLOC)b. person month

Development Time = c (Effort)d months

Number of People = Effort / Development Time   persons

Given that, estimated Lines of Code = 32,000 = 32 KLOC

Software Product Type / Modes of Development: Organic

Effort = a (KLOC)b person month

2.5 (32) 1.05 person month

95.13 person month

= 95 person month

Development Time = c (Effort) d Months

2.5 (95) 0.38 Months

14.1 Months

= 14 Months

Number of People = Effort / Development Time   persons

95 / 14 persons

11.65 persons

= 6.78 persons

= 7 persons

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